In the bustling city of Detroit during the height of the Prohibition era, a mysterious figure known only as the Grey Ghost emerged as a legendary rum runner. With his sleek boat and cunning wit, he became the city's most elusive and sought-after smuggler, navigating the treacherous waters of the Great Lakes under the cover of darkness.
The Grey Ghost, whose true identity remained unknown to all, possessed a reputation that preceded him. Whispers of his daring escapades and impeccable timing spread like wildfire through the underground speakeasies that dotted the city's landscape. Rumors circulated that he could sail undetected, gliding through the waves like a phantom, with law enforcement hot on his trail but always one step behind.
It was said that the Grey Ghost hailed from a long line of seafarers, carrying on the family tradition of maritime adventures. With his inherited knowledge of the sea and a deep-seated disdain for the restrictive laws of Prohibition, he set out to defy the authorities and quench the thirst of Detroit's eager residents.
We carry on his tradition and welcome you to our table.